Samples used for a rock/mineral ID lab

Courses taught / TA'd

During my time at Michigan Tech, I taught the combined undergrad/grad section of GE4530/5340 (Planetary Geology and Geophysics) and TA’d for GE3400 (Fundamentals of Geophysics).

Landslide box models

Summer Youth Programs

I spent multiple years working with Summer Youth Programs (SYP) at Michigan Technological University (MTU), a pre-college outreach initiative for young people to learn about STEM and gain experience in a relaxed, hands-on way. I worked as a mentor for over 500 diverse students aged 10-17 who attended the Women in Engineering, Engineering Scholars, and Engineering Exploration programs. Topics covered included geology, mineralogy/petrology, geological engineering, natural hazard mitigation, volcanology, and more. End surveys from the most recent year showed that 88% of the students I worked with gained confidence in their ability to be successful in college.